Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Capturing Moments

I went for a walk last Saturday and these hooligans decided to
lead me around the Village

They also took liberty to use my camera and take silly pictures.

This girl is the biggest sweet heart and such a girly girl.
I know I will miss her when I leave.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Good Morning Vietnam!

This place is absolutely beautiful. It is a dirty, polluted, disgusting place but the people are what make this place so special. Everybody is so kind to one another and it really all feels like one big community. There are some major differences that I am still trying to get used to. For one, there seems to be no driving laws. There are more motorbikes than cars and there seems to be no system. None other than drive slow and dodge others. I have even had to learn how to walk into full traffic just to cross the street! Thankfully, no accidents yet (knock on wood). Another thing is the food. Vietnamese love fresh food and especially fresh meat. To show the freshness of the meat, they actually have live animals on the side of the road which you order and they kill and prepare it for you. I know what you're wondering. Yes, I have seen cooked dog. Apparently it is good luck to have this as a meal at the end of the lunar month--which is in three days. We will be seeing it a lot.
The place that I am volunteering at is called Hanoi Friendship Village. It is a non-governmental institution that raises orphans affected by the effects of Agent Orange during the War. The kids are so cute and very playful. On Saturday, I went for a walk around the Village and there was a crowd of kids who ran up to me and led me around the place. I will be adding pictures soon.

Hugs and Kisses!

Monday, April 29, 2013

The Take Off

Yesterday our flight took off at 8:40 pm after an hour's delay. The girls and I were all so worried about making our flight to Frankfurt so we asked the flight attendant if they would hold the flight to Germany. She said we would be fine and that we would make our flight if we hurried. I was skeptical but the girls seemed confident so I went with it. Come to find out, as we're landing in Toronto, they announce that we'll need to get to a desk because we had missed out flight and we had a hotel room for the night. Bummer. On the plus side, we got to sleep in a bed rather than an airplane seat. Tonight, we'll leave at 4:30 pm and get to Frankfurt in seven hours. We'll have a seven hour layover (boring) and we'll finally take off for Vietnam! I just can't wait to finally get there.

Lots of love from Toronto

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Final Countdown

We're down to 18 days until Vietnam!! At the moment I am just struggling to get through finals. Do you know how hard it is to try to study for exams and write papers when all you want to do is start packing and shopping for your trip? Motivation levels are down to zero right now. Hopefully I can get through the next couple of weeks...